



Depending on the intended use of given space, its size, shape and structural elements, the best results are based on conducting on-site testing, and achieved by determination of the precise combination of multilayer sound travel prevention custom built solution, uniquely designed for each project, just like custom tailored dress or tuxedo.

Soundproofing is any means of reducing the sound waves pressure with respect to a specific source and receptor. Its measures employ surfaces that absorb sound wave vibrations and structures that minimize sound wave transference. There are different solutions for both commercial and residential applications.  




Sound is a form of energy, just like an electricity or light. It is made when air molecules vibrate and move in a pattern called sound waves. When these waves reach our ears, they vibrate a sensitive membrane called the eardrum and the auditory nerve carries electrical messages to the brain. We hear them as sounds. Sound is ever present. It has become a by product of our lives, whether it be loud music playing in restaurants, the sounds of a busy street, a train passing near by or an air plane shooting up to the sky.  In many of today's buildings, we have removed walls in order to create much desired sense of spaciousness. We have filled our kitchens with whiz-bang appliances and our living rooms with surround sound equipment. Of course, noise pollution isn't like having lead in your paint or parasites in water, but it's not just an irritant. It can alter your sleep pattern, add to stress, infringe on privacy, and generally compromise the quality of your life.



Noise pollution affects both our health and behavior. Unwanted sound can damage psychological health. It can cause hypertension, high stress level, tinnitus, sleep disturbance, high blood pressure, vasoconstriction and coronary artery disease. Chronic exposure may result in noise induced hearing loss.